



Sun's Origin


Unmatched is a fast-paced, asymmetrical miniature dueling game that allows you to choose from an ever-growing roster of legendary heroes and villains from ancient mythology, classic literature, and blockbuster movies. This is a crossover like no other with many volumes, sets, and expansions that offer a wide variety of characters and playstyles. Sun’s Origin introduces two legendary Japanese warriors to the Unmatched battlefield.

Sun’s Origin includes:

  • 2 hero miniature figures
  • 4 health dials
  • 2 character cards
  • 60 action cards
  • 2 sidekick tokens
  • 1 double-sided game board
  • 1 rulebook
suns origin cover art


One way Unmatched stands apart from other games is the dedication to art. This is especially true in Sun’s Origin. The game board is colorfully printed with easily identifiable zones for combat and each deck features unique, stunning, and thematic artwork for each hero. In my opinion, this is the best-looking set Unmatched has released so far from an artistic standpoint. Staying true to the concept of a crossover, each individual hero and their deck feel as if they were pulled directly from their legend, then placed in an arena to battle one another. Each deck is incredibly thematic, featuring special abilities and card titles that include an abundance of references that fans of each hero are sure to appreciate.

unmatched suns origin setup


In Unmatched: Sun’s Origin, pick your favorite hero and use their unique playstyle and abilities to defeat all who oppose you. You must take two of the following actions each turn: maneuver, scheme, and attack. You may choose two different actions or the same action twice. Each card has a special effect or value, leading to exciting and unique engagements every time you play. The new map provides a unique environment that you can use to your advantage. You can also mix and match characters and maps from other Unmatched game sets.

For the official set rulebook, click here.

For the official core rulebook, click here.

unmatched action card


Sun’s Origin can be played 1v1, with a single match taking around 20 minutes. The basic mechanics might seem complicated at first glance, but they are easy to learn once you start playing. Some heroes do have more complicated mechanics than others, so there can be a learning curve. Fortunately, every card has specific instructions written on them, but you can always turn to the included rule book and our FAQ for more clarification.

Oda Nobunaga and Tomoe Gozen are like Yin and Yang. Oda’s ability to flank with his sidekicks and buff his allies when doing so perfectly counter’s Tomoe’s ranged offensive while also being vulnerable to her when she is at a distance, and Tomoe is just maneuverable enough to escape when in a dangerous situation. The battlefield Azuchi Castle also leans into both of their strengths, making this set one of the most balanced I’ve seen from Unmatched.


Oda Nobunaga

The leader of the Oda clan used strategy, patience, and brilliant battle maneuvers to conquer the other daimyos of the Sengoku period. His ruthlessness earned him the honorific, “Demon King of the Sixth Heaven”.

Read more about Oda Nobunaga here.

Tomoe Gozen

The legendary onna-musha refused to retreat in the face of impossible odds and cut down all who stood in her way. With a flash of steel and fearsome strength, her deeds of valor live on long after any who would witness her last battle.

Read more about Tomoe Gozen here.

Battlefield: Azuchi Castle

azuchi castle

Azuchi Castle may be my favorite 2-player map. It doesn’t offer any unique mechanics, but its layout and design perfectly replicate the idea of fighting on multiple levels of a tower. This map features eight unique zones, three tricolored spaces, and eight dual colored spaces. The neat part about the zone placement is having a singular dual colored space containing a color for a zone that is on the other side of the map, giving you the feeling of having the high ground advantage as a ranged fighter. This may sound like this map gives an unfair advantage to ranged fighters, but the narrow corridors and stairwells give melee fighters the edge when moving towards their opponents. Azuchi Castle makes navigating the battlefield more strategic for ranged and melee fighters alike, making this the perfect map for the two heroes in this set.

Final Thoughts

Sun’s Origin introduces two legendary Japanese warriors to the Unmatched battlefield. Oda Nobunaga features unique mechanics that synergizes not only with his sidekicks, but also allied heroes in team matches. Tomoe is a ruthless fighter with an ability that discourages opponents from leaving her range. Both of these heroes add more diversity to the ever-growing roster.

As usual, the combat system is fun and engaging. Both heroes counter each other in ways that can only be described as exceptional game design. The game is easy to learn and the two rulebooks more than answer any questions that can be presented during a game. By far the best thing about Unmatched continues to be the variety. Sun’s Origin can be played standalone or combined with other sets to mix and match heroes and battlefields.

For those who love hero arenas, card games, and strategy games alike, Unmatched: Sun’s Origins is an excellent addition to your collection. For Unmatched enthusiasts, this set is a must own. If you wish to expand your collection further, be sure to check out the following game sets and expansions:

If you are looking begin your Unmatched collection or expand your roster further, check out the following sets and expansions:





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