Rules & FAQ
With the vast array of heroes, sidekicks, cards, and battlefields, the rules of Unmatched can be a l bit nuanced. We have gathered, and continue to update, frequently asked questions across the community and our playtesting.
Huge thanks to the Unmatched community for asking these questions and those who answered. If you’re having trouble finding your question, ask the community at the official Restoration Games’ Discord!
General FAQ
General Ruling
Q: If both heroes die simultaneously, who wins?
A: The player who initiated the action wins; in other words, the player whose turn it is.
Q: When a card you play forces the opponent to discard the top card of their deck, and they are in exhaustion, do they take 2 damage?
A: No. Fighters in an exhausted state only take 2 damage when they are forced to draw a card, and being forced to discard is not considered drawing a card.
Q: During a 2v2 match, if my teammate’s sidekicks take up all the space in my zone and leave me with no options to place all or the rest of my sidekicks, where do I place them?
A: At the start of the game, you can only place a sidekick outside of your zone if there is no available space within your zone. The sidekick also needs to be placed adjacent to one of your fighters. This does not apply to returning sidekicks or fighters to the board (Baptism of Blood, Defenders of Sherwood, Winged Frenzy, Resurrect, etc.)
Q: If I have 7 cards in my hand and am forced to draw outside of my turn, do I have to discard some?
A: No, the limit of 7 in your hand only applies at the end of your turn. You do not have to discard
Q: If a card effect allows me to return a card from my discard into my hand or deck, do I have to share that with the other player?
A: This is considered public information, so if you are asked to reveal what you are returning, you must divulge that information to the other players.
Q: Do I have to move if a card says up to a set number of spaces?
A: No. If the wording includes “may,” “up to,” “place in any space,” etc., you do not have to move. Cards such as Master Strategist are more specific and force players to move.
Q: What happens if my fighter is forced to move a space, but there is no open space for me to move to?
A: The effect or ability that forces you to move still resolves, except your fighter remains in the current space.
Q: Can two tokens share the same space?
A: If the tokens are different, they may occupy the same space. For example, Dr. Sattler’s insight token may be placed upon Invisible Man’s fog token. Some tokens, such as Muldoon’s traps, specify that the space must be unoccupied, including other tokens. However, you can not place two identical tokens on top of each other.
Q: Is there a difference between “move” and “place”?
A: Yes. “Move” means you must follow the path on the board, and “Place” does not have to follow a set path.
Q: If an adjacent fighter is defeated, does my after combat effect still trigger if it requires an opponent to be adjacent to my fighter?
A: If the adjacent fighter is defeated during combat, they are no longer considered adjacent after combat. Cards like Clever Girl will not take effect.
Q: If a player gains an action, is it optional?
A: No. All actions must be used, even if it was a bonus action.
Q: When do attack of defense bonuses from a hero’s ability or map bonus apply during combat?
A: Inherent bonuses are applied between during combat and after combat. In other words, the bonus is applied when the potential damage is being dealt.
Q: When do you resolve after combat effects?
A: after combat is triggered after the damage is dealt or successfully defended, and after any other effects that need to be resolved, such as a character’s ability.
Q: Can I attack my own fighters or allies?
A: No, direct “friendly fire” is not allowed. However, cards such as Blaze of Glory and Remnant of Valor can damage friendlies via card effect.
Q: Does a bonus attack trigger if one of the fighters can move out of range with a card effect from the first attack?
A: Yes. Bonus attacks will trigger despite the distance between fighters.
Q: Does a bonus attack trigger if my first attack defeated the opposing fighter?
A: No. Since the fighter was defeated, the bonus attack no longer has a target.
Q: Does a bonus attack trigger if the defender defeated my fighter during the first attack?
A: Yes. While you may be defeated, combat still resolves for the attacker. Cards such as Equal of Grendel and What a Terrible Big Mouth You Have can create these circumstances.
Q: Does a bonus attack trigger if the defender is defeated during the first attack?
A: No. Since the defender was already defeated, the next attack could not resolve.
Q: If the defender uses a card to swap places during the first attack, what fighter takes the bonus attack?
A: The fighter who was swapped to take the attack of the first attack becomes the new defender for both attacks now.
Q: If my fighter is returned to the board, what health do they start at?
A: Full health, unless otherwise stated, such as the card Resurrect does.
Q: When does exhaustion damage occur?
A: The moment a player has to draw a card from their deck and can’t, the damage will occur.
Q: Who wins combat if the defender does not play a card and the attacker’s card is valued at 0?
A: If no damage during the combat phase occurs, the defender is considered the winner.
Q: In a Free-For-All, can I attack during the first turn?
A: Yes, but with limited selection. You can only attack players who have already had a turn or players whose turn immediately follows yours.
Q: Can I damage opponents with a scheme on the first turn in a Free-For-All?
A: Yes. You can damage any opponent with a scheme on the first turn, and the first turn limitation is only for direct attacks.
Card Questions
Q: If a card like Regroup forces you to draw a card when your deck is empty. Do you take damage?
A: Yes. Anytime you are forced to draw a card with an empty deck, all your fighters take 2 damage. Your fighters are considered to be in exhaustion.
Q: Can I resolve a card effect even though its effect isn’t applicable?
A: Yes, you can play any scheme or use any card effect even if the effect is mute or impossible. (i.e., the card Grimm Tale can still resolve, even if Little Red is at max health. However, any card that requires you to draw a card, even if your deck is empty, will penalize you 2 health points.)
Q: If a card effect refers explicitly to an attack or defense card, does it apply to a versatile card?
A: Yes. All cards are considered attack or defense during combat, and a versatile card allows you to play the card as either option.
Q: Does my fighter’s space count as an “adjacent space”?
A: If your fighter’s ability or card effect targets an adjacent space, this does not include the space the active fighter is occupying.
Q: Can I boost with a card that has no boost value?
A: No, a card must have a boost value to be considered a valid option.
Q: If a scheme or card effect allows me to pick 2 or more options, can I choose the other option(s) after resolving one?
A: No. You must choose which effects you desire before resolving one. For example, with Call for Backup and Golden Drink Horn, players must decide which effects they want before anything resolves.
Q: Can a defense card be used for attack and an attack card for defense?
A: No, only versatile cards can be used for either. However, there are exceptions, such as What Big Ears You Have, but the card effect or description will make that clear.
Q: If a card effect tells me to look through my deck, do I have to shuffle the deck afterward?
A: Yes, you always have to shuffle your deck when you are allowed to browse through it. This does not apply to any effect that allows you to look at the top cards.
Q: If my card effect allows me to change my card’s value (modify), but my opponent’s card effect also changes my card’s value (substitute)?
A: First, players must determine whose card effects trigger based on timing. Card effects can resolve immediately, during combat, or after combat. If both players share the exact timing, the defender resolves first. Any modifiers applied to your card do not carry over when the opponent substitutes it.
Q: If a player’s ability or attack card allows them to boost the attack, and the defender’s card allows the attacker to boost, does the attack boost twice?
A: Yes, the boost stacks.
Q: Does “ignore value” change the printed value?
A: No, “ignore value” only ignores the combat damage, and it does not substitute a card’s printed value or combat value. “Ignore value” will ignore all damage regardless of what bonuses are attributed to the attack.
Q: Does the defender’s “immediately” card effect trigger if the opponent plays a card, such as Feint, to cancel all card effects?
A: Yes. The defender’s immediate effects will always resolve first, even before an attacker’s immediate card effects.
Battlefield FAQ
Q: What are battlefield items?
A: Battlefield items are token items placed on a battlefield that players can use. Not all battlefields have these items, and some examples of battlefield items include doors, combat items, and scheme items.
Secret Passages
Q: Can Alice (when big) or Bigfoot go through the secret passages?
A: Yes. Only fighters designed with the large fighter mechanic cannot enter the secret passages.
Q: Are secret passages considered adjacent?
A: Players can move through them as if they are adjacent, but they are not considered adjacent spaces for combat or effects.
Hanging Gardens
Q: Does the extra damage from having the High Ground apply to ranged attacks?
A: The extra damage is only applied toward the adjacent space in which the arrow points.
Q: Can I stack the attack bonus with the high ground attack advantage?
A: No, you cannot stack the attack bonus no matter how many spaces your fighter occupies.
Q: Does the High Ground attack bonus still apply if my card has a bonus attack, but the defender has moved away after the first attack?
A: No, the opponent is no longer in the adjacent space with the disadvantage.
Q: According to the rulebook, can a defending player ignore the High Ground damage if the defender is in their starting position?
A: No. The rulebook’s wording makes this confusing, but the rule’s creator clarified that the rule book refers to the arrow’s starting position.
Q: Can I open or close a door while sharing a space with another fighter before continuing my movement?
A: Yes. You can not end your turn on the occupied space, but you can interact with spaces before continuing your movement, even if they are occupied. If an interaction would stop your movement, you cannot perform this interaction if that space is occupied.
Q: On Heorot, if the doors are closed, are the spaces on either side of the door considered within the same zone or adjacent spaces?
A: No. Closed doors separate the spaces by adjacency and zone.
Q: Can a fighter open or close a door after landing on a trap?
A: Fighters can close a door after landing on a trap, but they cannot open one. You must spend 1 movement to open a door, and Muldoon’s traps immediately stop movement.
Raptor Paddock
Q: In Raptor Paddock, are the spaces in one-way paths considered adjacent spaces?
A: Yes. The one-way path only dictates the direction of movement
The Raft / Hell's Kitchen / Navy Pier / Helicarrier
Q: What are combat items?
A: Combat items are tokens for attack or defense bonuses. These items are found on some battlefields and can be applied to a player’s card.
Q: How do you use combat items?
A: A player must be in a space containing a combat item and place the token next to their attack or defense card at the beginning of combat.
Q: Does the combat item carry over to the bonus attack or defense?
A: No, but players can opt to use the combat item for the bonus attack instead of the first attack. This applies to a defender as well. The attacker would need to declare it before the defender plays a defense card to use it for the bonus attack.
Q: What are scheme items?
A: scheme items are tokens that players can activate as they would a scheme card in their hand. While it does take action, this is not considered playing a scheme card.
Q: Can I choose what fighter uses the scheme item?
A: The fighter on the space with a scheme item is the fighter who is considered its user.
Q: When a fighter uses a healing scheme item, can I choose which of my fighters to heal?
A: No. The fighter who used the item has to use it.
Q: Can you cancel combat items?
A: Yes. Cards like Feint can cancel the combat item attached to the card. However, if a card is immune to being canceled, so is the combat item attached to it. This would apply to Sherlock Holmes’s ability as well.
Hero FAQ
Q: When does Achilles draw his card from winning combat?
A: His hero card says after combat, so after all combat is resolved. The only exception is when there is a bonus attack, which Achilles will draw after the first attack but before the bonus attack resolves.
Q: If Patroclus is defeated before the combat resolution (due to an effect like Equal of Grendel), can he still damage himself in the case of The Day of Your Doom?
A: No, he is defeated and therefore cannot deal damage to himself. This does not apply to Battle Frenzy since dealing damage to the opponent is not dependent on Patroclus dealing damage to himself.
Q: If Patroclus is at 1 health, can he still deal 2 damage to himself with The Day of Your Doom?
A: Yes, in general, you can over deal damage. The one exception is Yennenga’s ability to divert damage to her archers.
Q: When do you discard your cards when Patroclus is defeated?
A: The ability card specifies “When Patroclus is defeated,” so you discard them during the combat damage resolution phase before the after combat effects kick in.
Q: When playing Achilles’ Heel against Bullseye’s Arrogant but Effective, does Bullseye gain an action?
A: No. In this case, Achilles won the combat since the value of Achilles’ Heel is larger than Arrogant but Effective. Achilles resolves first, and since he won combat, nothing happens. Afterward, Bullseye resolves his card effects, making Bullseye the new winner, and since Achilles’ cards have already been resolved, no new action is given.
Q: If Achilles defends with Under Achilles’ Helm against the first attack of a card with a bonus attack, who takes the second attack?
A: If Patroclus is not defeated, he will become the defender of the first attack and the second bonus attack.
Q: Does Alice get +1 defense while SMALL even if no card is played?
A: No. Her character card says explicitly, “add 1 to the value of her defense cards”, so there is no bonus if no card is played.
Q: Is Alice considered a Large Fighter when BIG?
A: No, only fighters identified as Large on their character cards are Large Fighters.
Q: Does Alice’s ability apply to versatile cards?
A: Yes, since versatile cards can be played as attack or defense cards, her ability will activate depending on its use. This same rule applies to Invisible Man.
Q: If the Jabberwock uses Jaws That Bite, can Skirmish be used to move the Jabberwock and damage Alice?
A: Yes, Jaws That Bite does not specify that the fighter must be opposing and since the card is an attack, it will resolve after a defending Skirmish. The same applies to Bigfoot’s Savagery and other similar cards.
Q: If I play Regroup and lose combat, do I draw 1 card or 2 because of Angel’s ability?
A: You draw 2 cards.
Q: Do I “move” or “place” Angel when using Disengage?
A: “Place” is the proper word for all Disengage cards. While Angel’s card reads as “move,” to be uniform with Bigfoot’s version of the card, “place” is the official meaning.
Q: Does Beowulf gain RAGE during or after combat?
A: Beowulf gains RAGE the moment he takes damage. Rage gain is instantaneous.
Q: Does Beowulf gain Rage when he takes damage due to exhaustion?
A: Yes, he gains Rage every time he takes damage, no matter the reason.
Q: When using The Equal of Grendel, can Beowulf gain Rage during combat to spend on the card effects?
A: No. This card’s effect resolves immediately before combat takes place.
Q: Since The Equal of Grendel can deal damage immediately, what happens if its effect defeats the opposing fighter?
A: If it ends the game, do not resolve combat damage or other card effects. If it defeats a fighter but does not end the game, then resolve combat damage and card effects as usual.
Q: If Equal of Grendel is played against Momentous Shift, and the card effect of Equal of Grendel defeats a fighter, but the game does not end, does Momentous Shift resolve as a 3 or 5?
A: The defeated fighter is removed from the board; therefore, they occupy no spaces. You cannot be in a different space if you are not in any space, and the effect does not trigger.
Q: When playing against Spike, how many instances of damage occurs when Bloody Hell is played against Beowulf, and how much Rage should Beowulf gain?
A: The language of the card says “deal, then deal,” so it is considered to be 2 separate instances of damage; therefore, Beowulf gains 2 Rage.
Q: Can Bigfoot end his turn with more than 7 cards when his special ability activates?
A: Discarding down to 7 cards is the last part of the turn. Even with Bigfoot’s ability, you cannot end your turn with 8 cards.
Q: Is Bigfoot considered a large fighter?
A: No. While Bigfoot may be described as a larger fighter and appear slightly bigger than the average hero, he does not operate with the large fighter mechanics.
Black Panther
Q: Do your opponent’s cards in your vibranium suit go in their discard pile after use?
A: Yes.
Q: If a card with a boost effect is in his Vibranium Suit, does Black Panther get to use the effect?
A: Yes, all boost effects activate and must be executed as written. Even if the effect benefits your opponent.
Q: Can Black Panther boost with Sinbad’s Voyage cards, or other cards with no boost value?
A: No, cards with no boost value cannot be used to boost. Cards with no boost value will simply reside in his Vibranium Suit for the duration of the game, removing them from play.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of cards the Vibranium Suit can hold?
A: No.
Q: Can Black Panther choose any card from his Vibranium Suit to boost with in any order?
A: Yes.
Q: When Black Panther boosts twice, does he discard 2 cards then draw 2 cards, or can he draw after each card he discards?
A: You draw a card for every card you use to boost, but only after all the boosting during the action is complete.
Black Widow
Q: Can Black Widow play her mission cards even if she doesn’t meet the requirements to skip an action?
A: No, the requirements must be met before the mission can be played. They cannot be played to pass an action.
Q: If Life Model Decoy resurrects Maria Hill, does her opponent’s after combat effects still target her?
A: Any card effect that targets a specific opposing fighter (i.e. Skirmish) will not target her if she is revived with her card; however, any card effect that targets ANY opposing fighter can still target her.
Q: If Life Model Decoy resurrects Maria Hill, do after combat Bonus Attacks still target her?
A: Yes, the bonus attack triggers after combat, and since Maria Hill is revived after combat first by the defender, she is on the board for the bonus attack to target her.
Q: Do I play mission cards immediately once the requirements are met.
A: No, you must use them during your turn as an action.
Q: If there are no missions left in Black Widow’s deck, does she still have to reveal all of the cards in her deck to show that there are not any left?
A: No, if you have no missions left in your deck you simply do not search for one. It is best to keep track of your missions while you play since you could easily find yourself searching if you do not realize you are out.
Bloody Mary
Q: When using Broken Glass, does the opposing card need to match the printed value or combat value to trigger?
A: Combat value. If the value of Broken Glass, after resolving the card’s effect, matches the attack value of your opponent’s card, also after resolving card effects, the after combat effect will trigger.
Q: If the value of Broken Glass was ignored from a card such as Taunting Laughter, can Broken Glass still match the opponent’s card value?
A: Yes, the value is ignored, not changed. The combat damage is still resolved, with the value of Broken Glass being ignored. If the Broken Glass does match the value of the opponent’s card, the after combat damage still will trigger.
Q: When playing the card Stolen Memories in a Free-For-All, does the opposing player reveal their hand to everyone or just the Bloody Mary player?
A: There is no definitive ruling. Do whatever your group agrees to.
Q: While playing on Heorot, if I move through a door, close it (splitting up the zones), then attack with Jump Scare, does the ability trigger?
A: Yes. The door is now shut and blocking the path you came from, so the space you are occupying is now in a different zone. The effect does not trigger if the door is left open or if you close the door without moving through it.
Q: If I attack with Jump Scare and Bloody Mary is defeated by an immediate card effect, but the game does not end, does Jump Scare become a 6?
A: Yes, since she is no longer in a zone, she shares no zones with the space she started this turn in. Even though Bloody Mary is removed from the board, the combat still resolves if the game has not ended.
Bruce Lee
Q: Does Feint cancel the effects of the card Nunchaku?
A: No. Nunchaku is a scheme, and the bonus is granted universally. The bonus damage is not dependent on the card effects of the attack card being played.
Q: Can Bruce Lee use Nunchaku twice on the same turn?
A: Yes, and the damage stacks.
Q: If I play Corkscrew Finger Jab and the after combat effect of the defender moves them away from Bruce Lee, does the after combat damage still occur?
A: Yes, the card does not specify the need to be adjacent to the opposing fighter.
Q: Does Cartwheel Kick only deal damage if Buffy moves?
A: No, the card only specifies to deal 1 damage to each opposing fighter she is adjacent to.
Q: When using Slayer’s Strength, can I choose who to move, or does it have to be everyone adjacent?
A: The card says, “You may move all…”, so you have the choice to move all friendly and opposing fighters or none.
Q: When using Slayer’s Strength, what happens if I can’t move the surrounding fighters?
A: A designer of the game, Justin Jacobson, has said that it is up to fans to decide; however, he did say that if they had a chance to redo the card, they would use the word “place” instead of “move.” It has been ruled that “place” will be used in tournaments.
Q: When playing Master Strategist, can Bullseye move so that he ends up in the space he started in?
A: No. The word “exactly” is used to specify unique spaces. When moving, you cannot re-enter spaces.
Q: When using Arrogant But Effective, can you end the combat with two winners?
A: No. Arrogant but Effective’s ability changes the winner to Bullseye, even if the opposing fighter’s card was of a higher value.
Cloak & Dagger
Q: If Cloak hits a sidekick with 1 HP with a 2-damage attack, did Cloak deal 2 damage or just 1?
A: Considering the “over damage” rule, Cloak is considered to have dealt 2 damage.
Q: Does The Living Light activate if Cloak was killed by the attack?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I over damage with Chosen Fate to heal my other fighter for 4 health?
A: Yes, just like with Disarming Shot, you can deal more damage to a fighter than they have health remaining. If one of your fighters are defeated, then you can’t heal as you are both unable to damage a defeated fighter nor heal a defeated fighter.
Q: If the combat damage Cloak or Dagger dealt gets redirected to them (e.g. Golden Chain Mail), does their ability still trigger?
A: Yes, as long as at least 2 combat damage was dealt to someone.
Q: If Dagger plays Living Shadow and Cloak is defeated, does this card’s value still become a 4?
A: No, the entire effect fizzles if you are unable to swap spaces with Cloak. This effect is an IF AND THEN statement, so if the first IF is not met then nothing following it resolves.
Q: If Cloak plays Channel the Dark and Dagger is defeated, do I still gain 1 action?
A: No, the entire effect fizzles if you are unable to place the opposing fighter adjacent to Dagger. This effect is an IF AND THEN statement, so if the first IF is not met then nothing following it resolves.
Q: When playing Son of a Boxer against Bullseye’s Arrogant But Effective, does Daredevil deal 2 damage to Bullseye?
A: No. Since Daredevil is the defender, he resolves first. Afterward, Bullseye resolves his card effects, making Bullseye the new winner, and since Daredevil’s cards have already been resolved, no damage is dealt.
Q: Will there ever be official rulings for Deadpool?
A: The only ruling is that the developers will give no official rulings. Since Deadpool designed his own deck, it is recommended to bring any and all questions to Deadpool himself.
Q: How does combat resolve if Deadpool plays Time Out vs. Sherlock’s Elementary and Sherlock guesses 0?
A: Since the effect of Time Out happens immediately and Elementary is During Combat, Deadpool gets to switch the card. If Sherlock guesses a value that matches the value of the new card Deadpool chooses, then Elementary’s effect activates.
Dr. Sattler
Q: If I move Dr. Satter and Dr. Malcolm during the same action, do I place an Insight token under each of them?
A: Yes, whenever either fighter moves, you place an Insight token on the space they finish the action on.
Q: Can Dracula use his special ability on a Sister?
A: Yes. Dracula’s ability does not say that the fighter must be opposing.
Q: If Dracula uses his ability on Yennenga, but she redirects the damage to an Archer, does he still draw a card?
A: Yes. Damage was still dealt.
Q: If Dracula cannot deal damage to the Moon Knight persona Khonshu with his special ability, can he still draw a card?
A: No, drawing a card is dependent on Dracula dealing damage with his special ability.
Q: If Dracula uses his ability on a fighter and defeats them, but Dracula’s card draw leads to his defeat as well from exhaustion, who wins?
A: Dracula always wins in this scenario. If the effect is not simultaneous, Dracula immediately wins and does not need to draw a card. If the effect is simultaneous, Dracula wins due to the “active player wins ties” rule.
Q: If the opponent attacks Dracula with a Feint and he defends with Do My Bidding, which card resolves first?
A: The defender always resolves first when card effects appear to resolve simultaneously; therefore, Do My Bidding resolves without being canceled.
Q: If I play the card Ravening Seduction and choose to move the fighter 0 spaces, do I still deal damage for each adjacent Sister?
A: Yes. “…up to 2 spaces” means you can move the fighter 0 spaces and the trigger for damage still applies.
Q: What happens if I play Do My Bidding and return a card with a bonus attack and play the card again?
A: The bonus attack of the original card played is not triggered; however, the attack of the new card is triggered, as are its effects; therefore, you will still have to face the second attack.
Q: If Elektra is defeated for the first time, can Ninjitsu be used to return Elektra to the board before she resurrects?
A: No, while she is not considered defeated, her card ability has removed her from play. She cannot return to the board until the start of her next turn.
Q: In a 2v2 match, can Willow’s Resurrect bring Elektra back before she resurrects from her ability?
A: No, Willow’s Resurrect only targets defeated fighters. Elektra’s character card says explicitly that she is not considered defeated after being reduced to 0 health for the first time. What it can do, is return Elektra Resurrected to the game once defeated.
Q: What happens if Elektra is removed from the board but has remaining actions?
A: Nothing; the remaining actions are ignored.
Q: If Elektra’s health is reduced to 0 by exhaustion damage, can she boost her maneuver to discard a card that lets her reshuffle it back into her deck?
A: No, the first part of the maneuver action is always drawing a card, which in this case deals damage before movement, and movement boosts can even start.
The Genie
Q: When playing Back In The Lamp, does the Genie heal before he takes damage?
A: Yes
Ghost Rider
Q: Can Ghost Rider use his ability to move through the same opponent multiple times in one turn, dealing more than 1 point of damage?
A: No. After you move, you take a moment to look at each fighter you moved through and deal 1 damage to each of them. It does not matter how many times you moved through them.
Q: Can you spend Hellfire to boost Ghost Rider’s movement and use a card to boost on the same action?
A: The short answer is yes. Competitively, the developers of Unmatched have stated that even though this can be done, his max movement when using Hellfire will be capped at 4. The purpose is to prevent a loop of dealing damage through movement and then running away until the opponent is defeated, devolving the game into an unfun play pattern. Casually, it is up to your group to decide if his movement can be boosted beyond 4.
Q: If All Part of the Show resurrects Houdini, does his opponent’s after combat effects still target him?
A: Any card effect that targets a specific opposing fighter (e.g. Skirmish) will not target him if he is revived with this card. Any card effect that targets ANY opposing fighter can still target him.
Q: Does Sleight of Hand still trigger the new card’s IMMEDIATELY effect?
A: Yes, the new combat card immediately replaces Sleight of Hand in all respects, as if Sleight of Hand was never played at all.
Q: When using Big Reveal, can I draw a card from a boost effect and then decide on the second card to boost with?
A: No, you must choose which cards you are boosting with at the same time.
Q: Can I teleport with Houdini and still open or close a door on Heorot?
A: No, if you choose to teleport Houdini, you do not get any movement to spend to open or close a door.
Q: If an opponent’s card lets Houdini boost an additional time, can I use Big Reveal to return the card I boosted with that effect to my hand?
A: No, Big Reveal may only return one of the cards used to boost with its own effect.
Q: Can I boost just once with Big Reveal?
A: No, it is twice or not at all.
Q: Regarding A Magician Never Reveals His Secrets, what counts as “An Effect”?
A: It is anything that happens in the same step, with nothing in between. A scheme is an effect, whilst IMMEDIATELY, DURING COMBAT, and AFTER COMBAT are also different effects so only the text within that timing step would be canceled by revealing A Magician Never Reveals His Secrets.
Q: If a card discards one of my cards and references to boost the value of my card (e.g. Ambush), do I get the boost effect?
A: No, only cards that use the word boost or blind boost are actually boosting.
Q: If an opponent’s card lets me boost and I boost with And The Beautiful Bess!, does it also count as having discarded it so I can draw a card?
A: No, Big Reveal may only return one of the cards used to boost with its own effect.
Invisible Man
Q: Can Invisible Man start the game on a Fog token?
A: No. The rules state that the Fog tokens must be placed in separate spaces, comparing them to sidekick placement.
Q: Can opposing or friendly fighters land on Invisible Man’s Fog tokens?
A: Yes, any fighter, opposing or friendly, can share a space with a Fog token.
Q: If an opposing fighter is able to move Invisible Man, can they move him through his Fog tokens?
A: Yes. Whenever an effect lets you move your opponent’s fighters, you must respect all the same movement rules of that character.
Q: If an opposing fighter is occupying a space with a Fog token, can Invisible Man move through that Fog token?
A: No, unless otherwise specified by a card effect, he cannot move through opposing fighters.
Q: While using Covert Preparation, can I pick one Fog token to move 0 spaces so my opponent cannot move that token?
A: Yes, “…up to 2 spaces” means you can select a Fog token and move it 0 spaces.
Q: How do you resolve the card Impossible to See?
A: This card changes the value of your opponent’s card to 0 and does not allow the value to change due to card effects. This cancels cards like Momentous Shift and cards with effects that allow you to boost or BLIND boost. It is important to note where the increase in attack comes from. If it comes from a card effect, then the value does not get modified. If it comes from a character ability like Achilles, Alice, or King Arthur, then it does.
Q: If I play Vanish and place Invisible Man on a Fog token at the start of the next turn, does that mean he started that turn on a Fog token?
A: No, Invisible Man started the turn off the board.
Q: If Invisible Man uses Vanish with actions remaining, does his turn end?
A: Yes.
Q: When moving Invisible Man’s Fog tokens, can they move in the opposite direction of one-way paths? (i.e., Raptor Paddock)
A: No, the Fog tokens must observe the same movement rules as fighters.
Q: Can Invisible Man’s Fog tokens move through secret passages? (i.e. Baskerville Manor)
A: Yes, the Fog tokens observe the same movement rules as fighters.
Q: Can Invisible Man’s Fog tokens move through other Fog tokens?
A: No, only Invisible Man can move through the Fog tokens.
Jekyll & hyde
Q: Does Hyde take damage every time he has to draw a card or move, or does he only take damage during the maneuver action?
A: You only take damage when performing the maneuver action. This does require drawing a card, but it does not require that you move Hyde. If a card effect forces you to draw or move, you do not take damage.
Q: When playing the card Calming Research, do I choose up to 3 cards before drawing them, or do I get to decide the number one by one as I draw?
A: You must choose the number of cards you will draw before seeing any of them.
Q: When playing Forever Hyde, do I have to discard all my Jekyll cards, or do I get to decide how many I discard?
A: You decide how many Jekyll cards you want to discard.
King Arthur
Q: Does King Arthur’s boosted attack value still apply when cards such as Deduce Strategy change the printed value?
A: Yes, King Arthur’s boosted value still applies. The printed value is considered the attack cards’ value without effects, abilities, or boosts. In this example, you would resolve the effect of Deduce Strategy to change the printed attack value; then, you would add the boost value of the card you used to boost the attack.
Q: Does the card used to boost an attack get discarded by effect canceling cards, such as Feint, even if the original attack card has no effect to cancel, such as Excalibur?
A: Yes. While King Arthur’s ability is what allows him to boost any attack, it also states it is to be canceled the same as you would card effects.
Q: Does Bewilderment prevent damage that occurs from an after combat card effect?
A: No, it only prevents damage During Combat.
Q: What happens when you play Prophecy with only 4 cards in your deck?
A: The card effect tells you to “look,” not “draw,” so you do not take any damage. Look at all the cards in your deck, put 2 in your hand, and place the rest on top of your deck. If there are less than 2 cards in your deck when playing this card, put them all in your hand and take no damage.
Q: What happens when King Arthur boosts an attack vs. Invisible Man’s Impossible To See?
A: King Arthur’s boost does not come from a card effect but instead from his special ability; therefore, the boost is not discarded. The value of the initial attack will be 0, then you add the boost value to that.
Q: Does Dracula’s card Do My Bidding return King Arthur’s boost to his hand?
A: No, Do My Bidding only allows the player to change the attack card. The boost card will remain in battle and be applied to whichever card the opponent chooses. The opponent cannot make the boost card the attacking card since it is no longer in your hand.
Little Red Riding Hood
Q: What happens if an opponent discards one of my cards during or after combat?
A: Little Red’s basket resolves following the flow of combat. If the attacking card discards one of Little Red’s cards before her basket resolves, you match the symbol with the newly discarded card.
Q: If my opponent plays Ox Form and I boost to defend, which card sits on top of my discard pile?
A: When boosting for any reason, that boost card will immediately sit at the top of your discard pile. The active card will now have to match the symbol on the boost card.
Q: What happens if the effects of the card What Big Ears You Have are canceled while being played as a defense card?
A: It is still played as a defense card. The effect of this card has already been resolved and cannot be canceled.
Q: Are the effects of What Large Hands You Have optional? Additionally, if Wolfsbane is in the basket, do I get to choose which card to return?
A: You choose whether or not to return this card to your hand. If Wolfsbane is in your Basket, you may choose to return either What Large Hands You Have or the top of your discard pile. You cannot return both cards to your hand. You can also choose to return neither.
Q: Can the Wild symbol represent any other symbol?
A: Yes; however, Wild can only represent one symbol at a time. You do not have to choose what the Wild represents until you play your next card.
Q: What happens when I play What Big Eyes You Have and the opponent has a card that can’t be canceled, such as The Ancient Heirloom or one of Sherlock’s cards?
A: Even though the effect is immediate and the defender resolves first, some cards cannot be canceled, so What Big Eyes You Have or a Feint would not be able to cancel the card; however, What Big Eyes You Have can still resolve the Wolfsbane symbol’s effect and ignore the value of a card.
Luke Cage
Q: How does Trash Talk end the turn of the opposing fighter?
A: The opposing fighter’s turn is immediately ended; they lose all remaining actions and cannot gain more. Card effects and fighter abilities that happen after combat do not activate, such as Robin Hood and Achilles; however, fighter abilities that activate at the end of their turn still activate, such as Bruce Lee and Bigfoot. At the end of the turn, the active player still discards down to 7 cards.
Q: When playing Power Man, can I move opposing fighters through Luke or Misty, and will they take 1 damage?
A: No, the card states that you can only move them through opposing fighters. This includes other opposing fighters in a 3 or 4-player free-for-all, but not teammates of Luke in a 2v2.
Q: If combat damage is redirected to Luke for any reason, does Luke’s special ability reduce the damage?
A: Yes
Q: If Misty Knight defends with Got My Back against the first attack of a card with a bonus attack, who takes the second attack?
A: Luke Cage would become the defender of the first attack and the bonus attack that would follow.
Q: How does Momentary Glance resolve if there are no opposing fighters in Medusa’s zone?
A: The card as written says to deal damage to any fighter, not just opposing. This means that it should deal damage to Medusa’s Harpies and even Medusa herself if there are no other valid targets. That being said, this does not seem to be the card’s intended use. The developers of Unmatched have stated that the effect to damage Medusa or her Harpies is due to poor wording. It is ultimately up to your group to decide.
Moon Knight
Q: If damage is redirected to Moon Knight when he is Khonshu, does he still take damage?
A: Yes, this is combat damage, and his card specifies that he takes combat damage.
Ms. Marvel
Q: Can Ms. Marvel attack over other fighters?
A: Yes, her attack functions identically to the T. Rex.
Q: If I don’t have enough cards in my deck to draw up to 7 cards from Friends and Family how much exhaustion damage do I take?
A: If you spend the second action, you count the number of cards you need to draw to get to 7, then draw that many cards. You only take damage for each card you are missing to reach seven. So, if you have 4 cards in hand when your deck runs out, you will take exhaustion damage 3 times. She does not take infinite exhaustion damage.
Q: If Ms. Marvel attacks and defeats an opposing fighter with I’m Not Touching You, does she still draw 2 cards?
A: Yes, Ms. Marvel shares no zones with a defeated fighter.
Q: If Clever Girl defeats the opposing fighter, does the after combat effect still resolve?
A: No. The opposing fighter is considered to have been defeated and removed from the board During Combat. The defeated fighter is no longer adjacent to one of the Raptors after combat.
Q: If a scheme card is played that deals damage to the opposing hero, does it deal damage to one Raptor or all Raptors? (i.e.Confirm Suspicion)
A: All Raptors are treated as heroes, so scheme effects that affect enemy heroes affect them all equally; however, when an opponent’s attack or defense card has an effect that deals damage to the opposing hero, the damage is only dealt to the Raptor in combat.
Scheme cards like Sherlock Holmes’ Master of Disguise only allow him to swap places with and deal damage to one Raptor.
Q: If three Raptors surround a fighter, do they deal +2 or +3 damage on top of each attack?
A: The Raptor’s ability states to add +1 for “each of your other Raptors,” “other” being the key word. Since the attacking Raptor is not included, the maximum bonus from their ability is +2.
In the case of the card Pack Hunters, the maximum bonus for the card is +3 because the text on the card says “each of your Raptors” without saying “other Raptors.”
Q: If the attacking Raptor is defeated by an immediate combat effect, such as The Equal of Grendel, does the Raptor’s attack still go through with the bonus damage from adjacent raptors?
A: Yes. The combat will still resolve, and the bonus damage is still applied since the adjacent raptors are still on the board.
Q: Can you revive Raptors using Decoy or Coordinated Attack Pattern?
A: No. The wording of the cards may make it sound possible, but it is not intended; therefore, not a legal move.
Q: When playing Coordinated Attack Pattern, do I have to place the other two Raptors after selecting the first?
A: No, you have the choice to place the remaining two Raptors, one of the two, or none of them.
Q: Do I “move” or “place” the Raptor when using Disengage?
A: “Place” is the proper word for all Disengage cards. All Disengage cards from all heroes are to be uniform with Bigfoot’s version of the card. Ignore “move” and place the fighter in an empty space in the fighter’s zone.
Robert Muldoon
Q: Can you move through traps if an effect allows a fighter to move through other fighters, such as Bigfoot’s Crashing Through The Trees and Buffy’s ability?
A: No. Traps are not fighters and instead are considered environmental effects.
Q: What happens when a card effect or character ability allows a fighter to move through other fighters while they are standing on a trap?
A: Damage is taken, and the trap is removed; however, since the opponent cannot occupy the same space as another hero, the effect to stop their movement is not triggered.
Q: Can Muldoon place traps on spaces if other fighters or tokens are occupying them?
A: No, if the target space contains any fighters, tokens, or other traps, a trap cannot be placed there.
Q: Muldoon has 10 traps, so why does he start with 8?
A: The other two are spares in case any are lost.
Q: Can I play Remote Detonation if there are no InGen workers on the board?
A: Yes, it is an Any card, so Muldoon can play it. However, the effects will not resolve if there are no InGen Workers to trigger the effect.
Q: When placing a fighter on a space containing a trap trigger, will the trap go off?
A: Yes. The trap will trigger immediately, whether moving or placing a fighter in the space with the trap.
Q: Can a friendly fighter trigger Muldoon’s traps?
A: Yes. While an opposing fighter always triggers a trap, a friendly fighter may trigger a trap. The Muldoon player ultimately decides.
Q: In a 2v2 game, if Muldoon dies but his three InGen works are still on the board, can the player still place traps at the beginning of their turn?
A: No. The description of the traps states that the traps must be placed in Muldoon’s zone. If Muldoon is dead, he has no zone.
Q: In a 2v2 game, if Muldoon and/or his InGen workers are defeated, do Muldoon’s traps stay on the board?
A: Yes, they stay and deal damage. If Muldoon and his InGen workers are defeated, do not draw a card.
Robin hood
Q: Does Disarming Shot deal only 1 damage to a single-health sidekick?
A: No. You can “over deal” damage. If the defender plays a card with a defensive value of 1, then 3 damage is dealt; therefore, draw 3 cards after combat.
Q: While playing Defenders Of Sherwood, if you have no spaces in your zone to place an Outlaw, can you place one outside Robin Hood’s zone?
A: No, you draw a card and skip placing the Outlaw.
Sherlock Holmes
Q: If my opponent attacks with Momentous Shift and I defend with Deduce Strategy, does Momentous Shift still become a value of 5?
A: Yes. The defender resolves first, so Deduce Strategy changes the value of Momentous Shift. When the attacker resolves, Momentous Shift becomes a 5 with its ability.
This applies to all attack cards that change their value during combat. (i.e., Claws That Catch, Duality of Man, Emerge from the Mist)
Q: When playing Confirm Suspicion, can a 0 be named to target a scheme?
A: No. Confirm Suspicion specifically states to name an attack or defense value, neither of which scheme cards have.
Q: When playing Confirm Suspicion against bonus attack cards, do the values of bonus attacks count as valid targets to be revealed? (i.e., Can “0” be used against Bloody Requiem ?)
A: No, a bonus attacks card’s value is the initial printed attack value while the card is in your hand. The other attack only comes into play due to the after combat effect.
Q: If I play Elementary against an attack with a bonus attack, which value do I “guess” to get the bonus attack correctly.
A: The card’s printed value for the bonus attack.
Q: Can Sherlock Holmes use Master Of Disguise against players off the board, such as Invisible man with Vanish or Elektra’s ability?
A: No. Sherlock can not choose an opponent to swap places with or damage if the player is not on the board.
Q: Can Sherlock Holmes use Master Of Disguise against large fighters, such as T. Rex, if there is not enough space for the large fighter to swap to?
A: No. If a large fighter cannot swap places with Sherlock due to lack of space, then the large fighter is not a valid target for Master of Disguise to swap with or occur damage.
Q: Can I use Voyages to boost?
A: No, you may only boost with cards that have a boost value. Voyages do not have boost value. However, Voyage Home is the one exception since it has a boost value of 1.
Q: If Voyages are discarded by the opponent’s schemes and card effects, does it still count toward his special ability?
A: Yes. If a Voyage card is discarded, it counts toward Sinbad’s ability.
Q: If I discard Voyage Home to boost my movement, does it count immediately toward Sinbad’s increased movement?
A: Yes. Sinbad will get +1 movement from the boost value and +1 for Voyage Home being in the discard pile.
Q: Can I place a shadow token directly under Spike or Drusilla?
A: Not directly. However, the ability states you can place a shadow token adjacent to Spike or Drusilla; therefore, you can place one under the other fighter if the fighters are adjacent. (i.e., If Spike is adjacent to Drusilla, you may place a shadow token in the space adjacent to Spike, which is under Drusilla.)
Q: When using Seek The Shadows, do I have to place a shadow token under Spike, or can I place them all in adjacent spaces?
A: Placing a token in Spike’s space is mandatory, and then any adjacent spaces available may be filled without removing the token under Spike.
Q: Can Spike place a shadow token on top of a different token?
A: Yes, Spike can place his shadow tokens on spaces occupied by fighters or other tokens.
Squirrel Girl
Q: Can I summon a squirrel in a space with opposing fighters / 3 or fewer squirrels?
A: Yes. The rulebook should not say “empty”. It was accidently kept from Sun Wukong’s summon definition. Also of note, squirrels still make a space not empty, so Sun Wukong can’t summon clones into a space with a squirrel.
Q: When damage defeats multiple squirrels on the same space, who is the damage attributed to?
A: The damage is attributed to a single squirrel despite the rule on small fighters making all squirrels in a space share damage, so cards like Disarming Shot or Lightforce Barrage don’t stack exponentially. This, however, isn’t the case for cards that deal damage to each fighter in the space, such as Prey Upon.
Q: Can I summon a squirrel on Squirrel Girl’s space using her ability?
A: No, the space she is in is not adjacent to herself. Small fighters are the only fighters considered to be adjacent to the space they are in for the purposes of effects that care about adjacent fighters and attacking.
Q: If there is a squirrel in an opposing hero’s space, can I use Squirgility to move through that opposing hero?
A: No, Squirgility doesn’t let you move through opposing heroes, only sidekicks.
Sun Wukong
Q: If Sun Wukong plays Sly Monkey and has no empty spaces in his zone, is a clone still summoned?
A: No. In this instance, a clone must have an empty space in Sun Wukong’s zone.
Q: If Tortoise Form is played and the opponent’s card effect allows them to boost, do they get to boost multiple times?
A: Yes, boosts can stack.
Q: If Golden Chain Mail redirects damage to the attacker, does I win the combat?
A: Yes. The defender is considered the winner if no damage was dealt, even if the attacker had a higher combat value.
Q: If Taunting Laughter is not defended, can the opponent still discard a card.
A: Yes. Unlike Ox Form, Taunting Laughter doesn’t specify the opponent needs to play a defense card in order to discard.
Q: If Ruyi Jingu Bang is not defended, who wins the combat?
A: The defender would still win as no damage was dealt.
T. Rex
Q: Does Terrifying Roar prevent defeated fighters from being removed from their space?
A: No. Defeated fighters will be removed from their space and the battlefield.
Q: Does Terrifying Roar prevent Invisible Man or Elektra and all Hand being removed from the board?
A: No. Invisible Man’s Vanish and Elektra’s ability will still activate. Terrifying Roar does not prevent board removal.
Q: When using Momentous Shift, does T. Rex need to leave both spaces to trigger the effect?
A: No, the T. Rex needs to only move and occupy at least one new space.
Q: Does the double space count as one fighter or more when resolving card effects?
A: T. Rex is still only one fighter, so each effect that triggers based on being in a particular space or zone will only trigger once.
(i.e., Wily Fighting, Relentless Spirits, Never Leave the Path would only trigger once against T.Rex)
Q: Does the T.Rex still have to discard down to 7 when the ability allows me to draw a card at the end of my turn?
A: Discarding down to 7 is the last part of the turn, so you draw the card, then discard down to 7. You cannot end your turn with 8 cards.
Q: Is there a reason for the different wording between Tara’s Revoke and the card Feint?
A: No, it was an oversight. The card works the same as Feint.
Q: In 2v2 games, if Resurrect revives my teammate’s fighter, does the player start with the remaining cards?
A: Yes, that player continues playing with the remaining cards in hand. Do not discard any cards after being defeated.
Q: When does Willow’s ability to become Dark Willow trigger?
A: The instant Willow or Tara takes damage, the ability immediately triggers.
Winter Soldier
Q: Does Marksman count secret passages when determining the shortest path?
A: No, but it does count one-way paths.
Q: How many cards do I discard with Reflexive Memories if I only have 1 or 0 cards in my hand?
A: You will discard as many cards as you can, up to two, and then draw 2 cards.
Q: If I don’t have enough cards in my deck to draw up to 5 cards while using Manipulation, how much exhaustion damage do I take?
A: You count the number of cards you need to draw to get to 5, then draw that many cards. You only take damage for each card you are missing to reach five. So, if you have 2 cards in hand when your deck runs out, you will take exhaustion damage 3 times. He does not take infinite exhaustion damage.
Q: Can Yennenga divert all damage to her archers beyond their health?
A: No. You can only allocate an equal or less amount of damage than the archers’ health. No damage can disappear when resolving this ability.
Q: If Yennenga redirects all damage to the Archers and doesn’t take damage herself, does Yennenga win the combat?
A: No. The attacker is still considered the winner since the damage was dealt.
Q: If an Archer is returned to the board, how much health do they return with?
A: Archers are returned with full health.
Q: If Surprise Volley returns an Archer to the board, does the new space occupied by the archer trigger Momentous Shift’s card effect?
A: No. The Archer being off the board isn’t considered a different space.
Q: Can Yennenga redirect exhaustion damage to an Archer?
A: No. Exhaustion damage affects all your fighters on the board, so no Archers will remain to redirect the damage to.
Q: If Surprise Volley does not return an Archer, do I have to gain an action?
A: Yes. The card specifies that if an Archer is not returned, the player will gain 1 action. However, this does not apply if the card effect is canceled entirely.
3 Responses
Can I attack or scheme first, then manouver? Or do I have to manouver first, then scheme or attack?
Yes, you can attack or scheme first. However, you must be within range to attack or have a scheme card within your hand to resolve. It doesn’t matter which of the 3 actions you take during your turn.
Thank you!