



Slings and Arrows


Unmatched is a fast-paced, asymmetrical miniature dueling game that allows you to choose from an ever-growing roster of legendary heroes and villains from ancient mythology, classic literature, and blockbuster movies. This is a crossover like no other with many volumes, sets, and expansions that offer a wide variety of characters and playstyles. Slings and Arrows sets the Immortal Bard of Avon against his very own creations, the fairy queen Titania, the scheming Wayward Sisters, and the vengeful Hamlet.

Slings and Arrows includes:

  • 6 hero miniature figures
  • 8 health dials
  • 4 character cards
  • 120 action cards
  • 5 sidekick tokens
  • 1 double-sided game board
  • 1 cauldron board
  • 1 set rulebook
  • 1 core rulebook
slings arrows cover art


One way Unmatched stands apart from other games is the dedication to art, which remains true for Slings and Arrows. The game board is colorfully printed with easily identifiable zones for combat and each deck features unique, stunning, and thematic artwork for each hero. This is one of the most thematic sets Unmatched has released. Staying true to the concept of a crossover, each individual hero and their deck feel as if they were pulled directly from the pages of Shakespeare’s writing, then placed in an arena to battle one another. Each deck is incredibly thematic, featuring special abilities and card titles that include an abundance of references that fans of each character are sure to appreciate.

unmatched slings arrows setup


In Unmatched: Slings and Arrows, pick your favorite hero and use their unique playstyle and abilities to defeat all who oppose you. You must take two of the following actions each turn: maneuver, scheme, and attack. You may choose two different actions or the same action twice. Each card has a special effect or value, leading to exciting and unique engagements every time you play. The new map provides a unique environment that you can use to your advantage. You can also mix and match characters and maps from other Unmatched game sets.

For the official set rulebook, click here.

For the official core rulebook, click here.

unmatched action card


Slings and Arrows can be played 1v1, 2v2, or a 3+ player free-for-all. with a single match taking around 30 minutes. The basic mechanics might seem complicated at first glance, but they are easy to learn once you start playing. Some heroes do have more complicated mechanics than others, so there can be a learning curve. Fortunately, every card has specific instructions written on them, but you can always turn to the included rule book and our FAQ for more clarification.

Shakespeare, Titania, and the Wayward Sisters are among the most complicated heroes released in Unmatched, making this arguably the least beginner friendly set. With that said, each hero is incredibly thematic and fun to pick up and learn. The battlefield Globe Theatre offers a new environment that manages to not favor any hero over the others.


William Shakespeare

Places, places, everyone! The Immortal Bard of Avon puts quill to quire, crafting lines that cut as deep as any blade. Suit the action to the word!

Read more about Shakespeare here.


To Be, and draw cards, or Not To Be, and empower thine attacks, that is the question… and also the strategy you must master to avoid a murder most foul.

Read more about Hamlet here.

The Wayward Sisters

Lizard’s leg, wool of bat, filet of a fenny snake. Brew a charm of powerful trouble, and your opponent’s life you’re sure to take.

Read more about The Wayward Sisters here.


Set your heart at rest, fair player, for the Queen and King of the Fairies shall beguile your opponent with wondrous glamours. What fools these mortals be!

Read more about Titania here.

Battlefield: Globe Theatre

globe theatre

Globe Theatre is among the simpler layouts introduced in a new set. This works out to be favorable to all fighters in Slings and Arrows, which is great for balance within this set. There are two spaces that sit within 3 zones and eight spaces that sit within 2 zones. The space and zone layout fits the theme of a theater with a few zones only being occupied by one or two spaces. This gives fighters a reliable escape from ranged fighters. While the layout is simple, there are many narrow pathways which make it easy for multi-heroes or heroes with sidekicks to pin in their opponents.

Final Thoughts

Slings and Arrows has managed to introduce a writer into a dueling game in one of the most unique and compelling ways I have ever seen. If that wasn’t crazy enough, they took it further by creating an entire set themed around some of Shakespeare’s most famous work. Slings and Arrows is a triumph for this alone.Shakespeare, Titania, and The Wayward Sisters are three of the most complex characters that have been introduced to Unmatched, and while Hamlet may be less complex by their standards, he offers a more approachable playstyle for newcomers to attach themselves to. The creativity of the designers of each of these heroes needs to be applauded. While this set is less beginner friendly than others in the Unmatched series, I wouldn’t say they are hard to figure out. If nothing else, the included set rulebook clarifies any questions any player could have. Slings and Arrows continues the pattern of creating incredible variety that adds to the longevity of the series when combining this set with others. 

For those who love arenas, card games, and strategy games alike, Unmatched: Slings and Arrows is worth exploring. For Unmatched enthusiasts, this set is a must buy. If you wish to expand your collection further, be sure to check out the following game sets and expansions:





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